Module 1: Form Deeper Connections through Storytelling
Understand the selling science behind storytelling, and create your own founder’s story to win new business.
Module 2: Master the Art of Conversation by Building a High-Trust Environment
Increase your sales by asking the right questions and shifting your prospects’ mindset from investment performance to income.
Module 3: Maximize Your Event Marketing ROI with Strategic Touchpoints
Discover the details that will help you secure more first appointments from in-person and virtual events.
Module 4: Perfect the First Appointment Process
Get the steps, scripts, and materials for executing the first appointment and help you secure more second appointments.
Module 5: Close the Deal
Implement the activities and financial diagnostic in the second and third appointment processes to close the deal.
Module 6: Increase Your Referrals and Client Retention
Implement the activities and financial diagnostic in the second and third appointment processes to close the deal.
Advisor/Agent Qualification Details:
Advisor must have issued or submitted business in the past 6 months. All carriers apply. All contract levels apply. All revenue generating products for all carriers apply.
To attend the Advanced Sales Training, both new and current advisors/agents must have submitted premium with Simplicity in the 6-month period leading up to the AST.
Complete the form below if you are interested in attending and reach out to your ADC ASAP. They will then submit your registration request to Simplicity. Seats for this event are available on a first come, first served basis.
Advisors are not confirmed until they complete the Splash Link and receive an email confirmation from Simplicity's Event Planner.